We can’t expect to achieve more and produce better results by doing exactly what we are used to doing. So hire a coach, set some goals and follow through… you won’t regret it!

Move your body, with a buddy.

Workout Buddies, we all know that we are far more motivated when we’ve made a promise to a friend. And, motivation starts with movement which in turn creates more motivation.

So, regardless of your goal, be it business or personal, make sure you incorporate a movement aspect to your new routine. It will clear your mind and help you stay focused. 

Our partner, The Motion Room, makes it easy to stay moving by offering open gym times throughout the week. This allows friends to keep a safe distance while working out together. There are up to twenty spaced-out time slots available each week (with plenty of time in between each) Workout Buddies so members can pick and choose what works for them. 

Workout Buddies

Stay Consistent

This one is tough! We know it’s hard to carve out a routine and stick to it. It seems as though lately it’s become even more of a challenge, hasn’t it? Working from home, the holidays, the epic snowfall; all of these things have made an impact on the challenges that come with making time for self-care and self-improvement. Perhaps it’s time to link up with a coach. There are many reasons why a coach can help you get started but importantly, they remove the burden of doing it all on your own, they motivate you, and they help you keep showing up for yourself in a consistent way.

outdoor fun

Make time for rest & repair

Yep, that’s right! You’ll be more inclined to get out for a walk on a crisp sunny day if you’ve made time for quality rest. The last year (or two!) has burnt everyone out and sure, collapsing in front of a TV with junk food is okay once in a while, but it’s not quality rest. Making time to wind down at night (without technology) and tuck in properly is key to starting the day off with energy to get moving in the right direction. If you need more tips and tricks on how to implement rest rituals into your life, click here.

From cookies, ice-cream, chips, pop-corn, chocolate, pizza, burgers, cakes… There are hundreds of vegan treats to try that you can easily find at most grocery stores! (And trust us, you will be surprised at how good some of these are!)

Rest & Repair

consider a coach

We can’t expect to achieve more and produce better results by doing exactly what we are used to doing. So hire a coach, set some goals and follow through… you won’t regret it!

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