Lower Body Challenge

Warm-up with 5- 10 minutes of light cardio, then dynamic stretches (leg swings, arm circles, etc.). After the workout, cool down with light cardio (walking, etc.) to bring down the heart rate, and then stretch.

Level 1: Do each exercise for 30 seconds, then take a 20- to 30-second break before moving on to the next exercise. Do this circuit 2 to 3 times through.

Level 2: Do each exercise for 20 seconds, then take a 10 second break before moving to the next exercise. Do this circuit 4 to 5 times through.

1. Jump Squats (stay low)
2. Squat Hold
3. Plank (any variation)
4. Burpees
5. Weighted Step-Ups (no weight at bottom- just touch foot and straight back up) (left) 
6. Weighted Step-Ups (no weight at bottom- just touch foot and straight back up) (right)
7. Plank (any variation)
8. Burpees

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